Beachwood Chamber Lunch & Learn
Please join your fellow members for an information Lunch & Learn.
This is an excellent time to network with other members to discuss latest trends and challenges facing business's today. We have invited expert speakers to discuss topics such as finding the right employees and how to take advantage of cost saving opportunities with our Chamber Partners.
Guest speakers include:
*OHIO MEANS JOBS: Learn about programs which help Employers find the right person to fit their hiring needs. Employers receive referrals of qualified prospective employees from a database of over 40,000 resumes.
* CHAMBER PARTNERS: Informative presentations from our Chamber partners including Pro Medica, FedEx, Heartland Payroll, Anthem, and BancCard.
Cindy Holzheimer, President/CEO of NOACC, will also be available for information about Chamber Partners.
Partner Representatives will be available for question and answer discussion.
Learn....and take advantage of Cost Saving Benefits to all Chamber members. !!
Thank you for your continued support of the Beachwood Chamber and we look forward
to seeing you at the Luncheon.
Date and Time
Wednesday May 31, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
Beachwood City Community Center
25325 Fairmont Blvd.
Beachwood, OH.44122
Box lunch will be served.
Members: $25
Non-members: $30
Contact Information
David Lapierre
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